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Майкл Коростi - Michael Korosty


Галерея вибраних робiт - Selected works' gallery




Майкл Корості (Michael Korosty) - американський художник, який народився в Києві у 1973 році. Переїхав до США в 1989 році. Живе і працює в Нью-Йорку. Випускник Інституту Пратта.

Майкл Корості є власником і керівником галереї витонченого мистецтва “the STUDIO” у Брукліні, працює з колекціонерами, займається освітою в галузі мистецтва для спільноти Південного Брукліна.

Теми сучасного мистецтва у глобальному масштабі постійно присутні у його роботах.

Картини та начерки, що поєднуються з цифровою обробкою, є ядром його підходу до образотворчого мистецтва початку 90-х 20 століття.

Роботи Корості можна знайти в колекціях Італії, Франції, Німеччині, Ізраїлю, України, Новій Зеландії, Нідерландів, Канади, Саудівській Аравії, Бельгії, Японії, Греції та Австралії. Його ім’я є у базі даних авторитетного американського журналу Art in America.

Профессиональный опыт

THE STUDIO / FINE ART GALLERY. Brooklyn, NY 2014 – Present

UNIVERSITY OF COLORADO, Boulder, Feb.16, 2017, Featured Artist, Panelist & Contributing Author

Published by Tayler & Francis, East European Jewish Affairs Journal

SUBMARINE STUDIOS Subdivision of Art & Arts’ of Brooklyn, NY 2006-2012, Artist in Residence, Art Teacher

ART & DESIGN STUDIOS, Inc. Brooklyn, NY 1999-2006, Art Director. Art Education Program Coordinator

THE RANGE GALLERY, Brooklyn, NY 1997-1999, Art Director & Exhibit Curator

JEWISH HOME & HOSPITAL FOR THE AGED, Bronx, NY 1996-1997, Visiting Lecturer in the Art Education Program

P.K. ART CENTER, Brooklyn, NY 1995-1998, Visiting Lecturer in the Art Education Program

Consultant & Sales in art supplies 1995-1996

EXPERT CONTRACTING, INC, Brooklyn, NY 1989-1992, Residential Building Exterior Designer

Образование / Награды

PRATT INSTITUTE, NYC. Bachelors Degree in Fine Arts, with Honors 1992-1996, Minor in Art Education

Pratt Circle Award


La Guardia Memorial Association Medal 1991

2014 BluePrint Fellowship Grant Recipient

1992 National Talent Search Winner

1991 Mark Rothko Scholarship Award

1990 National Foundation for Advancement in the Arts

1990 38th annual Daily News Award in All-City Student Expo

1989 36th annual Daily News Award in All-City Student Expo

1989 Haney Medal, The School Art League of NYC

Проекты / Достижения

2017 THE MEMORY OF TIME AND SPACE, Art Show at The National Arts Club Art Museum, Presented by Russian American Foundation

2015 JOMIX; ART & DERIVATION, Art Show. The Philadelphia Museum of Jewish Art, Philadelphia, PA. UJA - Federation of NY

2014 100 VIEWS OF NEW JERUSALEM, Book & Art Exhibit at the Synagogue for the Arts, NYC, Sponsored by Genesis Philanthropy Group

2014 COLLECTIVELY INDEPENDENT, Art Show at The National Arts Club Art Museum, NYC

2012 NO COMMENT I & II, Art Shows at Art Show at Loft in the Red Zone Gallery, NYC & ISO Gallery, Moscow, Russia

2011-2007 ARTIST IN RESIDENCE, Solo Exhibits, Video, Performing Art, Downhouse, Brooklyn, NY

2006 SHADOW, Set Design & Live Art Performance, Impact Theater & Crane Theater, NYC

2004 SOLO SHOW at Randure, Soho, NYC

2004 MIAMI ART TOUR, Miami, FL. Presented by Lamar Vidirvu Fund

2001 END OF THE WORLD, Show at Fabrica Art Center, Jersey City, NJ

1999 ARTSTART, Show at Range Gallery, NYC. Presented by Art Hits Group

1997 ART SHOW at La Mama Gallery, NYC

1997 THE RANGE OF THE NEXT STEP Show at the Range Gallery, NYC

1996 INTERNATIONAL ART SHOW, Ward Nasse Gallery, NYC


1996 SOLO & GROUP SHOWS at Schaffler Gallery, Brooklyn, NY

1989 OFFICE OF THE CHANCELLOR, Board of Education, NYC



. . . .

Michael Korosty is an art teacher for adults and children with 19 years of experience. He began teaching art at PK Art Center in 1994, while still being an art student at Pratt Institute, majoring in Painting with minor in Art Education. Since then, he has been teaching academic(classic) painting and drawing to children as young as five, as well as adults in their senior years and all age groups in between. Some of the students became professional artists, many were accepted into the finest art colleges, and all have discovered something great, unique and inspiring about art, along the way!

Whether you are interested to build a portfolio, expand your drawing skills so that you can simply draw anything you see or imagine, or want to explore the creative & meditative part of your soul without Becoming a professional artist, if you wish to expand your hand/eye coordination, ability to focus – art is a great way to accomplish those goals, and Michael is an experienced teacher and a “working artist” In his own right who will help you along the way of “getting there”.

Having started as a student back in Ukraine, where the emphasis was put on learning the actual skill and technique of academic/realistic drawing and painting, Michael expanded his education at LaGuardia School of Art in NYC, and Pratt Institute, receiving his BFA with honors and has been actively and successfully pursuing his career as a contemporary exhibiting artist – participating in national and international art shows, working as an illustrator and graphic artist with corporate and private clients.

Lessons are usually structured around drawing or painting “from observation” - that is, we have something to look at, like a “still life” of fruits or musical instruments, for example. Other times we may draw outdoors, looking at reality around us, be it a landscape or a cityscape. We may be drawing a human figure or a portrait, or doing a “self-portrait” while looking in the mirror. Working “from observation” is a great way to train your eye, hand and mind in coordination with each other. It is the best way to see if you are making the actual progress. Your growing skills should be visible to you, your teacher and anyone else just by looking and comparing what is in front of you to what's on your paper or canvas.

At the same time, exploring and developing skills of imagination, composition, creativity, expression, improvisation - all are great to develop in more “abstract” forms and exercises. We develop all of these skills with a personalized attention to your pace of growth, your personality and interests. You may feel you are more of a “watercolor” painter, or or may be “charcoal” drawing is your passion - all of it is seriously considered as Michael tailors his instruction to each individual student. Michael Korosty believes that art is a great spiritual journey for a skilled traveler - as a teacher, his first responsibility is to help you attain those skills necessary to succeed on your path of discovery.





















© Музей Шолом-Алейхема - Sholom-Aleichem Museum









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